Friday, December 6, 2013

Big Deals

Former New York Yankees players Robinson Cano and Curtis Granderson made monster deals with their new teams. Robinson Cano signed a 10 year deal worth $240 million while Curtis Granderson signed a 4 year deal worth $60 million. Combined, the 2 are suppose to make $300 million in that span. That is crazy. Why do these players need to make so much money. Granderson's deal is not that bad if you compare it to Cano's. Why does he need to make $240 million? No player is worth that type of money. Players are becoming more greedy and try to make as much money as they can. This is why the MLB needs to have a salary cap so players like this cannot make this much money. When other players see Cano making this much money, they are going to want the same. People need to stop being so greedy and just play baseball.

Group Of Death

The World Cup Draw was today to see which teams would end up in which group. USA was placed in what is called "Group Of Death". The Group Of Death is the group that has at least 3 good teams in the group. The other teams in the group with USA include Germany, Portugal and Ghana. Germany is the second best team in the world, Portugal has the best player in the world and Ghana has had USA's number in the past World Cups. I feel like the World Cup Draw needs to be down in a different way. How do the good teams end up in the same group and then you have 4 other teams who are not good. Every year, their seems to be a Group of Death and 1 good team goes home while you have a couple bad teams moving on since their group was awful. I am not saying this because I like US soccer, I think this every time because it forces a couple good teams to go home way to early. As a soccer fan, I want to see the best teams move on and not watch teams who cannot compete with the other teams.